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Academic Writing
Selecting a research topic (semester 1, week 9) and
Writing a literature review (semester 2, week 5)
Please read the material that is available in this document and start considering what area/topic you would like to look at for your literature review assignment. This assignment is due in week 10 of semester 2, but it could be that you have to put some thought into selecting a research topic, formulating the research question and objectives, and then writing a review of the literature that would be relevant to this specific research topic.
Group Activities
In your group sessions you should identify a research topic and discuss it within your teams. Each student needs to have their own topic as this is an individual assignment. You need to think of a topic that fits your interests. Some ideas/suggestions on this are provided at the end of this document, but you are also free to choose any academic topic that you think is relevant and interesting to you.
Student are expected to identify a research topic and some relevant research objectives, then do a preliminary literature review on the topic selected. The word count for this assignment is 2,000 words.
Class activities
The research topic that will be identified by each student in the group sessions with the support and approval of the class Tutors will be used so that the student produces an essay which will be a preliminary literature review of selected literature. The selection and final approval of research topics and research objectives for the preliminary literature review will be done in week 5 of semester 2. By that time, all students are expected to have decided what the research topic and research objectives will be for their essay and to be ready to discuss these with their class tutors. Then, students should spend the time between week 5 of semester 2 and the deadline (week 10 of semester 2) writing the preliminary literature review assignment. Week 6 of semester 2 is provided as a reading week to provide time to students to focus on this assignment.
What is a preliminary review of selected literature? It is there to help frame a proposal and to help set research objectives. It is not about doing a “full” literature review which you might well have to do for an actual honours dissertation nor is it about proposing methods for undertaking the research proposed. And it is not about going out and trying to do the research either!
In this preliminary literature review the following areas should be identified (the weightings indicated give an approximate idea of how much we expect you to cover against these different criteria – marks will be allocated accordingly).