论文代写,留学生论文代写,Essay代写 互帮互助 吉林 四川

留学生活小助手 2021-2-26 330

From this information I can derive the conclusion that the variable qt seems to be non-stationary. Also, the absence of a clear trend in its movement. In order to validate my conclusion, next I try to test unit roots of qt. Unit root test is a existence of a unit root test sequences.


Literature Review
Deception has permeated into every corner of life. It exists not only in daily communication, but also in the dialogues in some literary works. This thesis aims to analyze the pragmatic effects and strategies of deception in Three Kingdoms. On the one hand, the analysis of deception enables us to have a better understanding of the implied meanings and the artistic charm of the classic works. On the other hand, the analysis of deception in literary works can also deepen our understanding of relevant linguistic theories.
Deception is defined differently by different scholars. Some scholars such as Krauss,Coleman,Kay respectively give their definitions to deception. But they confuse deception with lying. Then Galasinski gives us an authoritative definition of deception. He considers deception as “a communicative act that is intended to introduce in the addressee a particular belief, by manipulating the truth and falsity of information.” In this thesis the author adopts the definition of deception as “a successful or unsuccessful deliberate attempt, without forewarning to create in another belief, which the communicator considers to be untrue.”

As the definition of deception implied, we find that deception is a deliberate attempt made by people, hoping to achieve some purpose. That is to say deception is frequently employed as a pragmatic strategy to achieve some pragmatic effects and has good effects on smooth and fluent interaction.
Being able to make good use of different communicative strategies is part of one’s communicative competence or pragmatic strategy. Communicative or pragmatic strategy is a term often used in pragmatics, referring to interactional participants’ solutions to multiple conflicting goals. Deception here is regarded as a communicative or pragmatic strategy.
Because deception is “embedded in our daily life, it is not always easy to recognize. Deception takes a variety of forms and can be divided into different kinds according to different categories.

Many scholars have put forward their classification of deception. Anolli describes three types of deception: “concealment, falsification and distortion”.
Besides, many scholars have made great effort to explore deception in different fields.
The explosion of deception literature traced its back to the medieval period and during the 1980s and 1990s the explosion of deception developed quickly which was caused by growing awareness of the scholars. And scholars home and abroad have explored deception from different perspectives. Generally speaking, they view this phenomenon in the ensuing ways: the study of deception from ethnical field; the study of deception from psychological standpoint; the study of deception from the developmental psychological stance; the study of deception from logical angle; and the study of deception from linguistic perspective. Furthermore, great achievements have been made by the above studies. However, there still exist some gaps ignored by the studies.
The earliest study of deception can be traced back to the medieval period. At that time, the studies of deception mainly concentrated on the ethnic field. And deception is distained and rejected both in western and eastern countries. Some scholars such as Augustine mentioned the classification of deception. Later, philosophers like Immanuel Kant again adopted against stance towards deception. Fromthe ethnical angle, deception is indeed immoral and deserves resistance. However, in reality blindly emphasizing the necessity of deception and denying the existence of deception is unilateral and unrealistic.

In the past half century, there was a soaring attention attached to deception. Most of them are within the scopes of psychological field. The studies in the psychological fields pay attention to the detection of deception. In general, the fruits of the psychological studies of deception meet the need of society. However, few comprehensive psychological theories have been put forward to explain deception. Moreover, these studies can not make good description to the language of deception.

The studies in the developmental psychological fields are mainly concerned with the children’s cognitive development of deception. For example, Xufen, JIngChunyan, LiuYing once pointed out that the age of 3 to 4 is the turning point for a kid to understand deception. It is not until 9 years old that children will judge deception by talking the motives and context into consideration.

The studies of deception in the logical fields are chiefly made by scholars home. They classify different kinds of deception and finding that there are three types of deception existing in Chinese. However, few studies have devoted to investigating the whole process of deception.
In general, the above studies from different angles are static descriptions of deception. But we can not deny a fact that the usage of deception is a dynamic process. And following, scholars get down to studying deception in a new angle. That is the studies of deception from linguistic perspective.
Many scholars have devoted to the study of deception from linguistic angle. Generally speaking, the study of deception from the linguistic perspective is more advanced in western countries. And of the studies from the linguistic point of view, the study from the pragmatic angle provides solid foundation for this thesis. For example, Grice’s Cooperative Principle, Austin’s Speech Act theory, prototype theory proposed by Rosch, Jef Verschuren’s adaption theory all play an important role in the study of deception.
The studies of deception from pragmatic perspective make up for the deficiency of static descriptions of deception. Grice in 1975 put forward the Cooperative Principle. The cooperative Principle is a principle of conversation, stating that participants expect that each will “make the conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange”. Grice believes that the assumption of cooperation can be elaborated in four sub-principles called maxims including quality; quantity, relation and manner: 1. Quality Maxim: Try to make your contribution one that is true. Do not say what you believe to be false. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.2.Quantity Maxim: Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange).Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.3.Relation Maxim: Be relevant.4. Manner Maxim: Be perspicuous. Avoid obscurity of expression. Avoid ambiguity. Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity).Be orderly.”

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