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Mingxinwrite专注提供专业高质量的Math数学作业代写。每一位Mingxinwrite的数学专业导师均毕业于世界Top 名校,不仅有扎实的专业知识,更有丰富的学术辅导经验。在线数学专业导师超过800位,其中包括高校教授,在职大学教师,以及大学助教,其他都是在读的博士生和研究生。任何数学学科,任何学术水平,任何作业类型,我们都能帮您解决。


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We may describe this sum as follows. Let Aij be the matrix obtained

from A by deleting the i-th row and the j-th column. Then the sum ex

pressing Det(A) can be written 144


and similarly for the third term. The proof with respect to the other

column is analogous. Furthermore, if t is a number, then

because each 2 x 2 determinant is linear in the first column, and we can

take t outside each one of the second and third terms. Again the proof

is similar with respect to the other columns. A direct substitution shows

that if two adjacent columns are equal, then formula (*) yields 0 for the

determinant. Finally, one sees at once that if A is the unit matrix, then

Det(A) = 1. Thus the three properties are verified.

In the above proof, we see that the properties of 2 x 2 determinants

are used to prove the properties of 3 x 3 determinants. 146


[VI, §2]

Furthermore, there is no particular reason why we selected the expan

sion according to the first row. We can also use the second row, and

write a similar sum, namely:

Again, each term is the product of a2j times the determinant of the 2 x 2

matrix obtained by deleting the second row and j-th column, and putting

the appropriate sign in front of each term. This sign is determined ac

cording to the pattern:

One can see directly that the determinant can be expanded according to

any row by multiplying out all the terms, and expanding the 2 x 2 deter

minants, thus obtaining the determinant as an alternating sum of six

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