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essayquality 2021-3-4 264










  In recent years one of the biggest threats the world as a whole faces is the destruction of our environment.The destruction of the Brazilian rainforest is probably the most important issue that should be taken into consideration because it is the cause of other major ecological problems we are facing such as:global warming,the depletion of our ozone layer,and noticeable climate changes around the world.Brazil's deforestation problem has turned into earth's deforestation problem.


  Experts say that not too long ago 14%of the earth was covered with rainforests.Today only 6%remains and everybody focuses their attention on Brazil because 30%of the remaining rainforests are found in that country(Rain-tree).Deforestation is so dangerous because much of the carbon dioxide that all countries produce is turned into oxygen in the rainforest through the process of photosynthesis.Experts say that 20%of the earth's oxygen is produced in the Brazilian rainforest.It is estimated that 90%of all animal and plant species live in the Brazilian rainforest so extinction is another major issue(Rain-tree).The money that deforestation brings to the Brazilian government is a huge motivator since it is a developing country.


  There are several ways and reasons for which rainforests are destroyed.The major cause of deforestation is logging.The forest is most valuable for its timber so its preservation would cost a lot of money.Commercial loggers destroy huge parts of the forest to reach the trees they want.Trees are brought down and along with them their vines and lianas,which are connected to other trees.When these come down,along come large canopies of green formed above the ground by these vines and lianas.The removal of the trunks cause extra damage since they are carelessly pulled out of the rainforest,destroying and damaging anything in their path.The large machinery compacts the fragile soil with their large tracts,making it very difficult to regenerate.Noise pollution and the destruction of the zone frighten animals living in the area,making them flee to other parts.Commercial loggers make roads to reach other parts of the forest easier.A road connecting point A to point B will disrupt plant and animal life anywhere near it.The roads are then used continuously and animals are forced elsewhere.


  What most hurts the forest about logging is local people without land that build their homes next to these roads,they are called‘shifted cultivators'(Hect 115).


  Shifted cultivators usually result when peasant's land is‘stolen'by the government because large corporations or companies unjustfully buy the land.These‘land less'people then build their homes inside the rainforest and plant food in order to survive.The Brazilian government blames these people for 60%of the deforestation(Hect 210).In Brazil over 40%of land that is good for cultivating is owned by only 1%of the population(212).


  Another major cause of the deforestation problem is agriculture.When areas of rainforest are destroyed,ranchers or crop growers move in and clear the entire area.

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