文献综述:对经济影响的研究 互帮互助 湖北

essayghost 2021-2-19 281






举办体育事件,揭示了在我们的社区有大量好处一些原因如增加社区的可见性积极的心理收入提高社会形象,都是常见的和可接受的规劝。体育赛事方面的经济影响,可以被定义为经济的净变化造成的运动事件和变化,是由活动涉及收购操作开发和使用体育设施和服务(利和奥尔顿1983)进而生成访客的消费公共支出、就业机会和税收。经济影响研究的支出可分为直接、间接、诱导效应。例如支出是直接投资需要满足游客对商品和服务的需求增加。间接影响是额外的涟漪效应轮再次初始观众的美元。诱导效应是就业和家庭收入的增加引发的经济活动而导致的直接和间接影响(道森Blahna &基思1993;霍华德&克朗普顿1995)

This report examines the wider benefits that move beyond the economic impact and proffers the adoption of the 'balanced scorecard' approach to event evaluation. Moreover the data from the past economic impact studies were used to produce an economic impact forecasting model designed to predict the economic impact attributable to an event prior to it taking place.

This Research have been developed by undertaking wider evaluations of some of the events for example the 1998 European Short Course Swimming 1999 European Show Jumping and the 2001 World Half Marathon Championships. Beyond the economic impact generated by an event these wider evaluations have also examined the public profile achieved by the events and looked in particular at the media value associated with television coverage and place marketing effects linked to such coverage.

This Report also provides additional analysis which helps to put IPL event into context by:
 Outlining the generic economic benefits and return on investment to a country's economy of hosting a major event such as IPL.
 Profiling IPL and comparing it to other similar international events in respect of the key elements underpinning economic impact.
 Identifying regional factors and drivers that may affect the economic impact of IPL in different regions
 Outlining the possible contribution to a Host Nation's Government via taxation as a result of hosting IPL investment and cost associated with IPL.

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